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PATRICIA HENSON escapes to Puerto Princesa

By 6:00 AM

Her friends call her Pat.

Model, graphic designer and fine arts major from UP Diliman, PATRICIA HENSON, took her EIKA Swimwear to the beautiful city of Puerto Princesa in Palawan. Being very sporty as well, she would give up almost anything for the beach!

Tell us about your choice of EIKA swimwear.
My choice of EIKA swimwear just suited my personality. I'm very boyish so it didn't really have an extremely girly feel to it. It all just fit perfectly - size and personality wise.

What’s your favorite and memorable experience during your escape?
During my latest escape, the most memorable one would be snorkeling and diving deep down to have really close encounters with all the fishes in the 3 islands I visited there. It was just amazing!

Any plans for your next escape?
My next escape would still be heading the beach of course! School's coming up so I wouldn't mind spending some of my weekends with the sand, sun and sea!

What’s your dream destination, and why?
My dream destination would be El Nido - which I'm planning to visit hopefully soon. I don't need to think of a place outside the Philippines. Why look elsewhere when there's too much beauty here? Just thinking about it makes me excited.

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